Shochugeiko 2019 – FULL

Additional registrations for Shochugeiko 2019 are no longer being accepted. We are at capacity for the seminar. Thank you, for all of your support.

For those that registered, we at Kiku Matsu are looking forward to a great weekend of training and instruction with all of you that take the time and expense to come to our dojo.

If you did not get your registration in before the cutoff this year, we hope to see you next year (register early) or at an upcoming AWA event.

Shochugeiko 2019

Shochugeiko (Summer Intensive Training) will be coming to Kiku Matsu Wednesday July 17 through Sunday July 21, 2019. Instruction will be by Charlie McGinnis, 7th Dan, Aikikai Shihan, from Aikido of Cincinnati and AWA Chief Instructor Andrew Sato, 7th Dan, Aikikai Shihan. For the event schedule and registration details, please click here.

Regular adult and children’s classes will be cancelled during this time. We hope you will join us for one or more sessions.

A message from Dojo-cho to people interested in beginning Aikido

Aikido is not an easy martial art.  However, it is accessible to anyone who has a desire to train.  During your practice you will go through high and low points, at times you will feel overjoyed and fulfilled.  At other times you will feel exhausted.  Whichever the case, as you walk along Aikido’s “path” you will have countless eye-opening encounters, learn about your own self, and refine your ability to judge and make decisions.

Through the practice of of Aikido, it is possible to experience the process of personal growth in harmony with others and your surroundings.

– Okamoto, Yoko